Red-brown rock formation 3. Abstract mountain beauty

by Adriana Mueller
Red-brown rock formation 3. Abstract mountain beauty
Adriana Mueller
Photograph - Digital Photography
Abstract mountain beauty and ancient rock shapes. // Coves Roges: this is what the red-brown rocks and caves are called, which are located on the outskirts of the small town of Gata de Gorgos. About the abstract effect of the eroded rocks in a remote and enchanting place. Nature photography in Alicante province in Spain.
The river bed of the Río Gorgos enchants with its unique rock formations, vertical rock faces and caves. The river bed is dry most of the year. However, on days with heavy rainfall, a wild river arises in this place which gives the landscape its shape. Impressive rock formations have been created over thousands of years by erosion and the power of the flowing water. The color of the rock varies from orange to reddish-brown.
In the bright sunlight, the water-polished rocks look like sculptures or paintings. Like artworks that Mother Nature has created over long periods of time. In my opinion it is a fascinating place, reminiscent of the fabulous imagery of fairy tales and myths.
Inspired by the shapes and colors of the rocks, I dedicated a photo series to the Coves Roges. It is designed to show the abstract beauty of rocks, but also the continuous change in nature. In addition, the steep walls also bear the marks of climbing. For example, some climbing hooks can be found and the names of the climbing routes have been painted on the lower part of the rocks. Reddish-brown rock bearing the marks of weathering and human activity gives the Coves Roges a very special magic.
July 5th, 2021
Comments (11)

Greta Foose
Beautiful lighting captured so well to preserve the varied colors of this beautiful scene.

Karen Slagle
This image is awesome with that very large and impressive rock. I love that you showed all the details in it against that fabulous backdrop of the mountains...I have always been a rock hound...this is incredible, Adriana...f/l

Rainbow Artist Orlando L
What a stunning and mesmerizing image it is Adriana!! talk about a journey for the mind, and i totally got what i wished for in this impressive capture. the red rock structure is like a magic show, it keeps giving me different visions as i gaze on to it. it is like a candy store for my imagination. the contrast of depth and distant scenery on the left is so beautiful, it reminds us how wonderful our planet is and serve as a reminder that we shall do our very best to protect and honor this Earth that we called Home. thank you for this graceful capture!! L/F
Adriana Mueller replied:
I like your choice of words "it is like a candy store for my imagination" very much - it makes me smile! The red rock formation really presents a paradise for photography ... and its eroded shapes do indeed lead to a magical world. You are absolutely right, there are so many enchanting locations on our planet and it´s important to protect their beauty. Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my photo, Kevin!

Tejsweena Krishan
I see the way towards Cochlea through Pinna crossing the clear filter voice through Epitympanic recess for let the system buffer if it is about giving Life a pause to to think wisely for choosing correct that no defeated wrong's greed can ever bring anyway! Love the catch of voice as memory in cerebrum to recall the inner-voice of Love ones in the span of time in any slot to win with own hard-work as to earn Pride for Family as Star! Such beautiful Capture from very right angle of free ear-lobes, dear Adriana! :)