Blue mountain and reflection of sunlight, watercolor

by Adriana Mueller
Buy the Original Painting
61.900 x 44.800 cm.
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Blue mountain and reflection of sunlight, watercolor
Adriana Mueller
Painting - Watercolor Painting
Watercolor of a blue mountain landscape which is inspired by the steep cliffs and rock formations of the Mediterranean coast. The water surface reflects the bright, golden-yellow sunlight. An enchanting interplay of sky blue, light yellow and white.
The original work and prints are available.
May 15th, 2021
Comments (8)

Tina M Powell
Adriana, what a joyful and colorful piece of your work! Full of light and Hope! Beautifully created L/F

Karen Slagle
Fabulous watercolor, Adriana. Other than photography I love watercolors the best. I have taken lessons but just could not get it right, a very difficult medium. They are very unpredictable but I love how the colors bleed together perfectly rendering each work of art differently...fl
Adriana Mueller replied:
Thank you very much, Karen. You're right, the unpredictability of watercolor painting can cause interesting effects. For me, it is always a new challenge and very exciting.

Rainbow Artist Orlando L
The mood and colours of this glorious painting is gorgeous and romantic Adriana!! the golden glow of the reflective sun on the water blessed the entire artwork with a sense of bliss, peace and hopefulness. beautiful interpretation of the blue mountains. i cannot help but see lovers holding hands enjoying this view in pure harmony. this, to me, is a feel good piece of work!! L/F
Adriana Mueller replied:
It is great to know which emotions and thoughts the painting evokes in you. I have to admit that you gave me great pleasure and a lot of motivation at the end of a beautiful day. Thank you very much, Kevin!